NDT technician - Ultrasonic Testing - Level 2; including underwater inspection

NDT - UT Level.2 • NDT technician
Ultrasonic Testing - Level 2; including underwater inspection in collaboration with RINA SERVICES S.P.A.
To provide candidates with adequate preparation in order to take the qualifying exam for NDT technicians in keeping with the UNI EN ISO 9712 standard and SNT TC - 1A requirements.
Lessons include both practical training and theory in keeping with the required standards.
The course is taught in Italian by qualified Level Three NDT instructors.
Course Duration
5 days for a total of 40 hours (training includes both theory and practice).
Course Contents
The course will cover the following:
basic principles of ultrasonography;
physical basis for this method;
imaging techniques;
interpreting results and writing test reports;
What to bring
Identity Card
At the end of the course students will be provided with a certificate of attendance valid for enrolment in the certifying exam.
Course Centre
The course is held at the CFO headquarters in Via Bonvicini 14, Mezzano (RA) ITALY
CFO also organizes exam sessions for NDT technician certification in keeping with the UNI EN ISO 9712:2012 standard and SNT TC - 1A requirements, including underwater inspection and is an Accredited Exam Centre in collaboration with RINA SERVICES S.P.A.